I have a small company named K2 adventure that is the turning point for all my Business activites, photographic or whatever:

  • Photography. Since the age of 6 or 7 I have always had a camera in my hand, in my bag or sling around my body. I never go anywhere without my camera, nice situations occur everywhere. I have sold a number of pictures through my career, but it has never really been my livelihood. Many of my pictures are used in my books and lectures – see further down.bbc09467-2500x
  • Mountain expeditions. Especially through the last 15 years I have used my large mountaineering experience to lead and guide expeditions in South America, Africa, Caucasus mountains and in The Himalayas. I have led groups to succes on mountains like Aconcagua, Elbrus, Kilimanjaro, Mount Mehru, Baruntse, and even on Mount Everest.img_1574
  • Lectures. Based on my experience as a Project Manager and my mountaineering experience I have build an assortment of different lectures using mountaineering as a metaphor:
    • “Risk Management” is one of my most succesful lectures often with an audience of stock brokers or other people handling large investments.
    • “Project Manager on The Roof of The World” is equally succesful and has been especially well recieved by consultancy companies used at kick-offs.
    • “Reaching Your Goals” is a big hit at the moment as a teaser for people seaking fullfilment and realising the dreams of their life.
  • img_0353Teambuilding. From my huge experience taking people to high mountains and overcoming their fears and doubts I have learned a lot about what makes people tick and makes them freak out. Building on this my teambuilding activities teach people to find the best in themselves as well as in their colleges, making it possible to work efficiently together and keep up the spirits even in stressful situations. I usually use nature as part of the challenges and situations or gear from mountaineering.
  • forside-med-tekstWriting books. Until now I have published 21 different books mostly in danish language, but a few have been translated to english.
    • My biggest succes has been a guidebook to Kilimanjaro, a book that has been highly praised by my readers.
    • My second largest book is my historic book on Mont Blanc taking the reader from the first discovery of the mountain, the realisation it might be the highest in The Alps, through the attempts to climb it, the actual succes and later more difficult challenges until recent days highly extreme climbs. All this is spiced up with my own and near friends experiences climbing Mont Blanc more than 15 times using different routes, and the pictures from all these trips.
    • So far (April 2021) five books published in english, “Baruntse – above 7000 meter in the Himalays,” “Poor Kathmandu,” “Everest Basecamp Trek,” “Annapurna Basecamp Trek,” and “Panoramic Images,” but I’m on my way with several others among them a translation of my book on Mont Blanc and my most recent book about The Himalayas.
    • My largest book was published in the spring of 2020. It is a 600 page book on the history of Himalayan climbing, and my own experiences during more than 30 years of mountaineering in the Himalayas. So far it is only available in danish language.
    • You can find the list of my books on the market on AMAZON







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