I like to shoot images of decaying stuff, things in nature, human leftovers, and nature reclaiming territory from humans. Especially, I like to shoot images that make decay look interesting or even beautiful.
When shooting portraits, I don’t only focus on faces, although that is also something I do, but I rather tend to show people in their daily life in order to show the way they live.
I have been a mountaineer since the age of 19, and are still at the age of 67 an active climber and mountaineer. I love being in the mountains, as mountain scenery fascinate me, and I like the challenges the mountains pose. Documenting expeditions and lesser climbs in a way that make the challenges stand out to the non-climber is my goal. If you can feel it in your stomach, get a little dizzy, or just say “Wow”, then I’m happy. But sometimes the images just show awesome mountain scenery, where the humans are just there to create a sense of how huge the mountains are.
Of course, part of my nature images are from the mountains, but the nature specific images are mostly without visible or at least without prominent humans in these images. Here nature itself show of, and it can both be huge mountains scenery as well as minor things in nature like leaves, tree trunks or a rock frozen into ice. I love being in nature, and in my images I try to express what it is, I love so much about nature no matter the size of it.
This is part of my more experimental way of doing photography, a way that actually was the way the first photographic images were created. There is no lens in the camera, and the camera can be anything from an expensive device down to a tin that previously contained bread. I make some of the cameras or at least modify cameras to become pinhole cameras, and I use different methods of developing analog film to intensify the feeling of distance to perfect digital photography.
Panoramas is like pinhole phtography a quite diverse group, as some of the images like my panorama of the Mount Everest group is shoot on modern high resolution cameras, whereas others are made with low cost almost toy like cameras, where the focus is not to create perfectly sharp images, but rather to create something very artistic. Sometimes like the example with the rowing kayakers I even include the medium as part of the image.