A Deep Dive into a (almost) Forgotten System

When Nikon launched the Nikon 1 series in 2011, it marked a daring step into the world of mirrorless cameras. The mirrorless trend was gaining serious traction, and Nikon—an icon in the DSLR world—chose to carve its own niche with a completely new system, not merely adapting DSLR tech to a smaller format.

But by 2018, the Nikon 1 series was quietly discontinued. What happened in between is a story of innovation, unique engineering, but also missteps, and lessons that likely shaped Nikon’s later success in the mirrorless space with the Z-series.

Read the article, where I walk through the entire Nikon 1 journey, exploring each major model, their innovations, limitations, and legacy. You can find it here: Nikon 1