For some years I have owned a medium format camera, that behaves much like the classical Hasselblad 500CM, and I have now made a review of it.
Probably many would immediately think I was talking of the Kiev 66, but I’m not. The camera I’m reviewing is from a quality producer, which is not what I think when speaking of the Kiev. The brand Bronica has been renowned by professional photographers and keen amateurs as a trustworthy camera maker.
Bronica has several medium format cameras on their list: Bronica SQ-A, Bronica GS-1, Bronica C, and several other. Most of them are 6×6 cameras, but the subject of this review is a 4.5×6 camera, the Bronica ETRS.
This camera is the second version of this series, that started with the ETR, and ended with the ETRSi. I review the ETRS, and you can find the review here: Bronica ETRS – a Hasselblad 500CM alternative.